At EPIKS, we want everybody in Kirklees to be able to walk,wheel and ride along traffic-free routes in nature. With your support, we can all get fit, see wildlife and take action for climate change together. We’ve joined up with Spacehive so that anyone can play their part to keep up the momentum of maintaining paths, boosting biodiversity and getting people moving without the need for a car.

Pledge your support for Green Routes here! 

EPIKS has been working with volunteers and local businesses for over 20 years to create green routes so that people can spend time in nature close to where they live, travel to work, school or for pleasure.  Over the years, thanks to the support of local businesses in Kirklees, we’ve opened up pathways along rivers, through woodlands and across meadows, tackled litter and graffiti and installed route waymarkers and interpretation boards. In 2023, we launched Walk,Wheel,Ride Kirklees to give people the information and support they need to walk, use wheelchairs and cycle more.

This year we have had amazing, continued support from Cummins TT, Lesjofors Springs Ltd, Yorkshire Water and Aldi. We welcomed new relationships with Frank Shaw Associates and their partners from the world of architecture, engineering and design and Schofield Sweeney Solicitors and Partners from offices around West Yorkshire. Their many and varied skills and input has transformed Colne Bridge Riverside, King’s Bridge, Milnsbridge RIverside and miles of pathways and riverbanks along the River Colne as well as their own premises.

Jeff Keenlyside, EPIKS Director said, ‘The network of rivers and canals in Kirklees is bordered by wildlife corridors that could be managed more effectively to increase biodiversity. The flat terrain of valley bottoms lend themselves well to walking and cycling routes to ease traffic congestion and pollution. These are two climate actions that are at our disposal, so support in the form of voluntary input and financial contributions offers a very cost-effective win for environmental sustainability. Cleaner, greener infrastructure makes the area more attractive for investment, boosting the local economy as well as the health and wellbeing of Kirklees residents.

What we are looking for is lasting partnerships with local businesses to keep up the momentum of maintaining paths, boosting biodiversity and getting people moving without the need for a car. Sponsoring Green Routes Kirklees is a great way to help with our work. We’re asking local businesses and individuals to donate funds, take part in our corporate volunteering programme, work with us to improve their premises – or maybe take a walk or try an e-bike with us.’

Contact to get involved.