Thanks to funding from Central Government, Kirklees Council and EPIKS are working together to showcase how cycling by e-bike is a really great choice for the environment and a healthier way to travel. Over time, there are also cost savings compared to owning and maintaining a car. With an electric motor to help you pedal, e-bikes make journey times shorter and hill climbs easier.

Residents and local businesses are being invited to find out more about e-bikes. The Walk,Wheel,Ride roadshow will be popping up at John Smith’s Stadium and Dewsbury Country Park between 10am and 4pm in the week leading up to Easter. Staff will be on hand to give impartial help, tips and advice to anyone dropping by. They will be able to answer queries on choosing the right e-bike, equipment, skills, training, security, carrying equipment, local groups and routes. Support is available after the event through our online Walk,Wheel,Ride website and social media.

A range of e-bikes will be on offer at the events and our qualified instructor will help people who are experienced cyclists to have a quick spin on one of the bikes to give them an idea of how much easier it is to pedal an e-bike. Longer rides of 45 minutes are available on mostly traffic-free routes.

Experienced riders can book their place for longer rides online by clicking on the green dates below to secure a time slot between 10am and 4pm on Eventbrite. If you don’t have much time, a ‘quick spin’ might be enough for you to get a feel for the bikes!

Tues 26th March   John Smith’s Stadium, Huddersfield (follow the signs to St Andrew’s Road carpark HD1 6SD)

Weds 27th March  John Smith’s Stadium, Huddersfield (follow the signs to St Andrew’s Rd carpark HD1 6SD)

Thur 28th March   Dewsbury Country Park  

Fri 29th March    Dewsbury Country Park  

If you would like to book the Walk,Wheel,Ride Roadshow for and event, community centre or business premises contact Jim Gray